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The network publishes a review featuring articles from economic and parliamentary experts and leaders.
on 19.01.11
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Previous field visits have taken place in Albania, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Rwanda, Serbia and Montenegro, Uganda, Vietnam and Yemen.
on 19.01.11
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From time to time, the Parliamentary Network recruits policy and program staff for its international secretariat based in Paris.
on 19.01.11
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IDA 16 as an opportunity for increased aid effectiveness The Parliamentary Network (PN) and European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA) view the 16th replenishment of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) as an opportunity to increase the global commitment to aid effectiveness, with the ultima
on 12.01.11
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The Parliamentary Network produces a number of regular publications and resources including field mission reports, best practice studies, policy briefing documents and a quarterly network news letter. To access each of these different publication types, click below. Network Review Field Visits Reports P&D series IDA16 &
on 12.01.11
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In addition to the network’s Annual Conference and Parliamentarians in the Field visits, The Parliamentary Network also regularly participates in a number of special events including: global summits, parliamentary assembly caucuses and economic briefing sessions.
on 12.01.11
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The World Bank regularly holds public consultations for all stakeholders concerned with its strategies.
on 12.01.11
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